Social media has allowed us to connect with many others that have common interests and you can use this to your advantage to find cycling groups, rides, events, information and advice here in Minnesota. Are you a fatbiker looking for a group ride to join? Maybe you're a road cyclist that is looking to post or participate in a ride but don't know where to start. You may even be looking for a place where you can ask questions or find answers for the type of cycling you like to do. Facebook has helped many cyclists find new ride groups, meet new friends, learn something and discover new opportunities.
In this post I will go through some of the Facebook groups that I frequent to keep up with the cycling community at large, join in on a ride/event that fits my schedule and ask questions regarding bicycle maintenance or repair. I have started several Facebook groups to keep in touch with my bike friends and to give them and others a platform to communicate. For those of you that would like to start your own group visit this Facebook Help Center page.
There are many types of Facebook groups out there and I will categorize them and provide links so you may request to join. For links to "Closed" groups listed below to work, you must be logged into Facebook. Please be courteous and respect each group's rules. For more information about Public and Closed groups, visit the "What are the privacy options for groups?" page. To learn more about joining a group, visit the "How do I join a group?" page.
Group Rides
Type: Public Group
This group is intended to bring cyclists in Minnesota together for group rides by providing a place to post them. - Posts should be about a group ride you are planning or soliciting interest for. These can be Road, Off-Road, Gravel or MTB. - Be clear about the time, mileage drop/no-drop and pace of the ride. - Attending a group ride that is not mentioned in this group? Post it. - Please include links to more information about the group ride if available (MORC Forum, etc.) - Please put post-ride photos/video in the comment section of that listed ride, not as a new post. - Please refer bike related questions/comments to Facebook groups dedicated to that kind of discussion.
Type: Public Group
After some content deviation from the original intent of this group, the admins and I have drawn up the MN Fatbike Group Rides code/conduct policy. The policy is as follows:
- Posts should be about a group ride you are planning or soliciting interest for.
- Be clear about the time, mileage drop/no-drop and pace of the ride.
- Attending a group ride that is not mentioned in this group? Post it.
- Please include links to more information about the group ride if available (MORC Forum, etc.)
- Please put post-ride photos/video in the comment section of that listed ride, not as a new post.
- Please refer fatbike related questions/comments to Facebook groups dedicated to that kind of discussion.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Original Group Description:
I created this group to make it easy for my fatbike friends and their friends to get together by posting their own group rides. Minnesota has a lot of fatbikers with riding schedules that may not include the weekends. This is a place where they can organize their own rides with friends and new acquaintances any day of the week. My work schedule keeps me from joining in on Saturday group rides but I'm available on Sundays and Mondays. Others of you may have other availability, that's why I created this group. Are you looking for some Tuesday afternoon ride partners at Murphy or Thursday night ride companions at Elm Creek? This group is designed to get fatbikers together for rides that fit their schedules. I miss out on so many fatbike group rides because of my work schedule that I wanted to create a Facebook group that was open to the public and would allow other members, not just those with weekends off to connect and ride together. Invite your friends and let's ride fatbikes together.
Type: Closed Group
Welcome! This is a place to share your group rides starting near the south suburbs of the Twin Cities, MN metro area -- typically Dakota, Goodhue, and Rice counties. Any member can post a ride but please clearly list your mileage and pace, "drop / no drop", what surface or type of bike to bring, if there are rest stops along the route, etc. If I'm hosting a route, here's the info you need to know -- please open the link. It tells you where we meet, what to expect on the rides, and general tips for using my routes. If you spot an error or typo, please let me know. Thanks!
Type: Public Group
Group to publish interesting bike races, marathons, and other interesting events, and to discuss.
Type: Public Group
Welcome to your source for bicycle events in the twin cities. This thing is a work in progress; we will keep it updated, but please add events as you see them coming. A website is in the works, but in the meantime, please-please add any friends to this group that are similarly interested.
Type: Public Group
This public group is a resource for anyone looking to ride gravel, share gravel routes, post group rides or events (races, rides, etc.), discuss equipment or gravel Q&A. This is a Minnesota specific group, so please keep posts Minnesota gravel related. If sharing gravel road routes, please use the following formats: GPX files, TCX files, Strava, Mapmyride, RideWithGPS, Runtastic or Endomondo route links or Gravelmap.com links.
Type: Public Group
No description
Mountain Biking
Type: Public Group
This group is a resource for anyone that enjoys mountain biking no matter what the season. You don't have to be from Minnesota to be in the group, but keep the discussion related to mountain biking in Minnesota in regards to events, trails, trail conditions and news. This group is a place to share your ride photos, MTB leans, bring MTB events (in MN) to the group's attention, discuss equipment, bikes or MTB Q&A. Please do not post group rides here, that is what the MN Group Bike Rides Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/MNGroupBikeRides/) and MN Fatbike Group Rides Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/MNFatbikeGroupRides/) are for. Also, please refrain from posting "For Sale" items, there are plenty of groups on Facebook for that.
This group is a resource for anyone that enjoys mountain biking no matter what the season. You don't have to be from Minnesota to be in the group, but keep the discussion related to mountain biking in Minnesota in regards to events, trails, trail conditions and news. This group is a place to share your ride photos, MTB leans, bring MTB events (in MN) to the group's attention, discuss equipment, bikes or MTB Q&A. Please do not post group rides here, that is what the MN Group Bike Rides Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/MNGroupBikeRides/) and MN Fatbike Group Rides Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/MNFatbikeGroupRides/) are for. Also, please refrain from posting "For Sale" items, there are plenty of groups on Facebook for that.
Type: Public Group
Post your pictures, stories, questions, ads, experiences related to MTN biking. Have fun stay active stay green!
Type: Public Group
This group was designed to allow members to post their ride stories for the Minnesota River Bottoms trail network in a real time, easy to use format. Post up your experiences on the MN River Bottoms Trail in the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Fort Snelling State Park and the Bloomington side of the river, as well as areas further west. Posts can include the area you rode, your story with pictures, tips and recommendations for other users of the trails.
Type: Public Group
This public group is a resource for anyone that enjoys riding fat no matter what the season. You don't have to be from Minnesota to be in the group, but keep the discussion related to fatbike riding in Minnesota in regards to events, trails, trail conditions and news. This group is a place to share your ride photos, fatbike leans, bring fatbike events (in MN) to the group's attention, discuss equipment, bikes or fatbike Q&A. Please do not post group rides here, that is what the MN Fatbike Group Rides Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/MNFatbikeGroupRides) is for. Also, please refrain from posting "For Sale" items, there are plenty of groups on Facebook for that.
This public group is a resource for anyone that enjoys riding fat no matter what the season. You don't have to be from Minnesota to be in the group, but keep the discussion related to fatbike riding in Minnesota in regards to events, trails, trail conditions and news. This group is a place to share your ride photos, fatbike leans, bring fatbike events (in MN) to the group's attention, discuss equipment, bikes or fatbike Q&A. Please do not post group rides here, that is what the MN Fatbike Group Rides Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/MNFatbikeGroupRides) is for. Also, please refrain from posting "For Sale" items, there are plenty of groups on Facebook for that.
Type: Public Group
Fat Bike riders young and old, riding northern Minnesota's Iron Range!! Fat is where it's at!!! For most rides a FatBike will not be needed, if a FatBike is the correct tool for a certain ride, it will be noted.
If you have something FATBIKE related for sale. I'll allow the add to stand for 7 days, if after 7 days it's still unsold, please remove. I'd like to keep this group ride and adventure related, and to not have it get bogged down in ads.
Thank you for your understanding in this regard.
Type: Public Group
No description
Type: Closed Group
The Central MN Fat Bike Group is for young and old who love to ride fat bikes. We ride trails, single track, gravel, and minimum maintenance roads all year long. Averaging 5 - 12 mph. We ride all over Minnesota and jump at any chance to take our fatties out. This page is for those who would like to try fat biking and find out why we smile a lot. No description
Type: Closed Group
We are here to simply talk about fat bikes and all their glory! Feel free to post any group rides, or ask any questions related to the sport.
Bike Camping
Type: Public Group
A group to discuss bike camping: experiences, schemes, equipment, techniques, etc. Post your bike camping pics for us all to enjoy!
Cyclocross/Road Racing
Type: Public Group
Post up here to get people together for CX practices in the Twin Cities. A few of us like to get out and share tips and tricks. All levels of ability are welcome. No description
Type: Closed Group
Bike racing in Minnesota.
Bike Community
Type: Public Group
Love Minneapolis. Love Bikes.
Type: Public Group
BIKEFUN! is a hub for group rides and bike crawls in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. Everyone is encouraged to create and host rides, and use this group as a place to ask for suggestions and support.
Type: Public Group
This page is for anyone with questions about bikes: mechanical, size, fit, use, equipment, Trail conditions and routes, etc. Ask and we shall try to answer!
Type: Public Group
A positive, informative, inclusive, space for discussion & education on Bicycle Advocacy including experiences, ideas & resources. Advocacy for safe riding, whether on road or off road. Including trail access for new singletrack, improved surface trails for recreation and commuting, bike lanes/bike boulevards, etc.
Type: Public Group
This is a public group for anyone who has questions, advice or tips about fixing and maintaining bicycles. It is meant to be a local resource for riders in the Twin Cities area.
Type: Closed Group
We put women, femme, and trans riders first.
We aim to be a resource for any woman, femme, or trans person looking to get into cycling or who already rides for work, pleasure or sport.
Penn Cycle and Trek enthusiastically support us by providing space for our events, mechanics on our rides, and schwag to give away.
Members looking to ride together, share bike routes, post group rides or events (races, rides, etc.), discuss equipment or Q&A are encouraged to do so.
Please invite friends while respecting the group's focus on women, femme and trans riders.
Type: Public Group
Everyone is welcome to be a part of this group, but please RESPECT THIS SPACE as a discussion forum for FTW (Femme/Trans/Women, Non-Binary, Two-Spirit People- people who are not cis men benefiting from cis male privilege) folks who like bikes.
FTW VOICES ..Grease Rag centers transgender, femme, non-binary, two-spirit, and women. If you are a cis man and benefit from cis male privilege, please don't write posts or respond with comments to posts in this group unless you are specifically asked. We have a lot of wisdom in our community. We got this. FTW SOLIDARITY
..Shaming, sexism, transphobia, misogyny and other oppressive language or actions will not be tolerated. We call each other out, we call each other in. ON TOPIC
..Please do not post "For Sale" type posts in this group. Use the Twin Cities Bicycle WTF FTW post group. "For Sale" posts will be deleted. ("Tell me about your FTW experience with this type of product" posts are always welcome here.)
..Please post coupons and "sale alerts" in the Twin Cities Bicycle WTF FTW post.
..You can post your stolen bike here, although the Twin Cities Stolen Bikes group is probably a better place.
..Duplicate posts might be deleted without warning. Bump a post by commenting instead of creating a duplicate.
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