
2016 Arrowhead 135 Stories

The Arrowhead 135 is a human powered ultra-endurance marathon that takes place every year during the coldest part of Winter.  Participants have 60 hours to complete the 135 mile trek from International Falls to Fortune Bay Casino in Tower on the Arrowhead State Trail.  Racers are required to stop at three checkpoints that are spaced about 35 miles apart, where race officials can pull a racer due to frostbite or other medical concerns. Participants must run, ski or bike the distance with their sub-zero survival gear,  no outside help except from other racers or race officials and they must follow a strict set of race rules out on the course.

This year's race was much warmer than sub-zero temperatures of previous years but the snow along the trail was soft instead of hard packed making biking a bit of a challenge.  58 of the 94 cyclists completed the race under the 60 hour cut-off and the top two riders crossed the finish line within 3 minutes of each other.  I have compiled all of the stories, photos, video and news articles of  racers who chose bike propulsion pertaining to this year's epic race.  For full race results, click here.

Map of Arrowhead 135 course

Race Participants:  Bike Propulsion

Jay Petervary-1st

Ben Doom-4th

Paul Zeigle-19th

SvetlanaVold-27th (3rd Woman)

Barry Buhr-30th

Judd Rohwer-41st

Charly Tri-DNF
2016 Arrowhead 135 Press

2016 Arrowhead 135 Photos

2016 Arrowhead 135 Videos
"Release the hounds!"-COGGS on Facebook
"Release the hounds!"And they're off! Good luck to all the Arrowhead 135 racers, but especially the COGGSers ☃As a side note it's 27 ABOVE... With a slight drizzle.
Posted by Cyclists of Gitchee Gumee Shores - COGGS on Monday, January 25, 2016

Perseverance, Tenacity, and Heart. Jim Wilson finishing The Arrowhead 135 

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