

How to Follow All The Coverage From Interbike 2016

Interbike 2016 at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV starts today and if you are a bike tech geek like me you're going to want to watch the media coverage closely if you are unable to attend.  I would be blogging from Interbike like I did last year but other commitments kept me from attending this week so I will be closely monitoring all of the coverage on the Internet.

This is where companies from every corner of the bike industry will be debuting and showcasing their products to bicycle retailers, importers, distributors and the media.  With more than 1,400 exhibitors, it is the largest show of its kind in North America.  For bike people, it's like being a kid walking into the biggest candy store ever.

Over these next three days many new products will be creating buzz in the bike world.  Some of these products will be seen for the first time at Interbike and the media coverage is always excellent at the show.  Below I will post some information and links so you can also keep abreast of all the cool new bikes, accessories, gadgets and apparel from Interbike.

With so many brands at Interbike you may want to view the Exhibitor's List to see who is going to be there this year.  Use the Exhibitor List Search to narrow the results.  Once you know who the exhibitors are you can do Google searches with the brand name and "Interbike" to bring you to the media coverage, photos and news for that brand.

Bike websites and blogs have staff reporting from Interbike daily with all the latest news and photos from the show.  Below is a list of some of my favorite sources that you can check out over the next week to keep updated on all the great new offerings from bike companies and manufacturers before they show up at your local bike shop.

Use the following hashtags for Interbike 2016 on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to also see the latest reports from the show.


Following the extensive Interbike media coverage will keep me on top of the latest bike tech.  Seeing the new bikes, gear and gadgets months before they show up at my local bike shop is pretty cool.  There are always a bunch of things that catch my attention at Interbike and I'm really looking forward to see what this year's show brings to the table.

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