

Minnesota Training Rides For Gravel Enthusiasts-Part 1

I recently put up a post on the MN Gravel Enthusiasts Facebook Group requesting gravel training routes around the state that I could share with those that want to start their training early this year.  I received several recommendations and I'm sure more will continue to come in.  Below I will have maps and links to these rides sectioned by areas of the state.

Some of these routes have been submitted by users and not tested by me, so ride at your own risk. Bring everything with you that you will need to be self-supportive to get you back to your starting point.  Also, bring plenty of food and water as there may not be any places along the way to get these items.  Please do not litter.  If nature calls during your ride, do not answer it in front of the locals.   You may experience aggressive dogs on country roads so be prepared and know how to handle the situation.

I will add more gravel rides to share in future posts as they become available.

Twin Cities Area

Welch South Loop
Chris Chavie

New Trier/Welch North & South Loop Ride
Chris Chavie

Dirty Girl Adventure Gravel Ride Route

 Carlos Avery N Loop
Paul Peterson

Marsh Jones

Southern Minnesota

Northfield/Nerstrand Gravel Loop
Chris Chavie

Cannon Hill Torture V2

Cherry Creek
Charles Wolf

Dickie Scramble 2015
Drew Wilson

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