

Save The River Bottoms Flyer Available for Download

From the Save the River Bottoms Facebook page:

"We....meaning the multi-talented Porter Million....created a flier that we will have down at the Midwest Mountaineering Outdoor Expo. See the link below.

Please feel free to download, print and disperse responsibly. We ask that you NOT st
ick them randomly under windshield wipers and such. We want to Save the River Bottoms...not pollute it."

Steve for Save the River Bottoms

Download Link: 

Download, print and post responsibly. 
Sign the Petition

MORC has started a petition that will be presented to the MN DNR, Bloomington City Council and Representative Ann Lenczewski.  Please visit to let your voice be heard that you want to stop the plan to put a paved trail in the Minnesota River Valley between the Bloomington Ferry Bridge and the Old Cedar Avenue Bridge.

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