

Facebook Group Brings Minnesota Fatbikers Together for Group Rides

Last Saturday night I came up with an idea that would help bring those that love to ride fatbikes together for group rides of their own.  I figured creating a Facebook group would be the easiest way to get the word out to a lot of people in short amount of time because riding fatbikes is more fun when done with others.  Thus, the MN Fatbike Group Rides Facebook group was formed.  I posted it at around 11pm that night and by noon the next day there were over 100 members.  The group continues to grow and rides are being posted.  If you like riding with the well-endowed tire crowd then I invite you to become a member of the group and post rides of your own or join in on those posted by others.

 Group Description

I created this group to make it easy for my fatbike friends and their friends to get together by posting their own group rides.  Minnesota has a lot of fatbikers with riding schedules that may not include the weekends.  This is a place where they can organize their own rides with friends and new acquaintances any day of the week.  My work schedule keeps me from joining in on Saturday group rides but I'm available on Sundays and Mondays.  Others of you may have other availabilities, that's why I created this group.  Are you looking for some Tuesday afternoon ride partners at Murphy or Thursday night ride companions at Elm Creek?  This group is designed to get fatbikers together for rides that fit their schedules.  I miss out on so many fatbike group rides because of my work schedule that I wanted to create a Facebook group that was open to the public and would allow other members, not just those with weekends off to connect and ride together.  Invite your friends and let's ride fatbikes together this Winter.

Already there have been rides and pictures posted and activity in the group is bound to increase as more members join and snow begins to fall.  Although many members may be from the Twin Cities Metro Area, I encourage those in Greater Minnesota to join as well.  My goal for this Facebook group is to see group rides from all over the state being posted on a regular basis.  Become a group member today and tell your fatbike friends about the MN Fatbike Group Rides Facebook group.

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