

Product Review: Finish Line Super Bike Wash

I don't particularly enjoy cleaning my bikes and would often ride until they were really dirty before taking the time to get the dirt and grime off.  I ride a lot of gravel roads and singletrack mtb trails that will get a bike pretty dusty in between cleanings.  Until I started using Super Bike Wash from Finish Line, I would dread getting out the brushes, rags and soapy water bucket to wash my bikes.  Now it's quick and easy to get 'em clean and I don't mind washing them anymore.

I recently took a day trip up to Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area to ride the red dirt singletrack on the fatbike.  After several hours of riding the trails of this former mining pit area, the bike was completely covered in rusty dust.

I have used this product in the past for gravel dust and dirt, but this would be the ultimate test for Super Bike Wash.  I wanted to see if it required little or no scrubbing to remove the iron red dirt without leaving a rusty residue behind.  Super Bike Wash is designed to lift dirt and grime instead of dissolving it by simply spraying it on, letting it sit for a couple minutes and either wiping or rinsing it off.  

Not only was the frame dirty, but the wheels, tires and components had Cuyuna red dirt in every little nook and cranny.  This is one chore I don't like to spend a lot of time on so if Super Bike Wash could lift this stuff with minimal scrubbing, I'd be a happy biker.

Following the instructions for using with water, I sprayed it on liberally and let it do its work before rinsing it off with the hose.  It worked well, but did require a little light scrubbing or agitation with my hand on some areas, especially the sidewalls of the tires.  It definitely was a time saver, most of the rusty dirt just rinsed right off.  I was impressed by how it loosened the dust on the wheels, crankset, chainrings and front/rear derailleurs without having to use a brush.

After a short time, the bike was showroom clean and ready for another adventure that would likely get it good and dirty all over again.  Super Bike Wash can be sprayed on dirty areas and wiped off with a towel for a quick touch up to keep a bike looking clean.  I was happy with how Super Bike Wash performed, it removed most of the dirt without scrubbing and didn't leave a rusty residue behind when rinsed saving me time and elbow grease.  Because Super Bike Wash is so quick and easy to use, I don't go as long between cleanings as I did before.

Super Bike Wash is completely safe for all bike surfaces, even carbon fiber and is biodegradable making it safe for the environment.  It comes in a 1 Liter Spray Bottle, I Liter Refill (w/o sprayer), 1 Gallon Jug and a 16 oz. concentrate that makes 4 Liters.  Available at Penn Cycle and other fine bike shops.

Disclosure:  Finish Line provided the review sample for this article, but offered no other form of compensation for this review. 

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