

The Bar Fly Universal Adds Needed Space for Accessories

The Bar Fly Universal from Tate Labs is great idea for those that need a little extra space for accessories on their bars.  The design puts them out in front of the bars and is wide enough (50mm) to accommodate a light and gps/computer at the same time.  Other accessories such as GoPro cameras and smartphones that have a stock mounting bracket are also easily attached to the Bar Fly Universal.

Image Credit:  Tate Labs

I have done some testing to see how it would perform in a variety of riding conditions and I am very impressed with its simple design and durability.  It attaches securely in seconds and stays put.  Even with almost a half pound of weight from my Light and Motion Taz 1000 headlight, the 12mm wide clamp and I-beam construction makes sure it doesn't shift or move.  I have tested it on bumpy singletrack, fast downhills and hopping over logs without any problem of it slipping.

If you are like me and use pogies all winter, you know how much bar space they can take up leaving little room for lights and a bike computer.  The Bar Fly Universal solves that problem by adding space out in front of the bars by the stem.

Using a handlebar bag it can interfere with your headlight, but with the Bar Fly Universal you can adjust the angle upward to raise your lighting above the bag for an unobstructed beam of light.  Whether riding at night or using the flash mode during the day to be seen, this is very beneficial.

Quick Slots are located on the mount for use with zip-ties for increased security and stability of attached accessories.  While I have never had to use them, its nice to know they are there if I ever feel the need to do so.

I really like this product and it has become a permanent fixture on my fatbike.  It stays put, holds my headlight secure and gives me that extra bar space I needed.  I would recommend this product to anyone in need of extra space for their stock mounting bracket accessories.

The Bar Fly Universal fits 31.8mm handlebars, is carbon-friendly and retails for only $19.95.  It also comes with a  lifetime warranty, if you break it they will ship you a new one.  Available at local bike shops and online retailers.

Tate Labs also has the Bar Fly CatEye for all wireless CatEye computers, the Bar Fly 2.0 for Garmin cycling computers and the Bar Fly MTB 3.0 for off-road/all-terrain use with Garmin cycling computers.

Disclosure:  Tate Labs provided the review samples for this article, but offered no other form of compensation for this review.

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