

Penn Cycle President Pat Sorensen Interviewed on Mountain Bike Radio

Pat Sorensen  and Penn Cycle have been a big part of the Twin Cities bike scene for many years.  Pat recently went on the Ride Fatbikes Show on Mountain Bike Radio to talk with host Ben Welnak about Penn Cycle's history and what it has going on now.

Image Credit:  The Bloomington Crow
Pat gets into how his father Elmer started with all of his savings of $35 and fixed up the family's bikes.  He put an ad in the Sunday paper and Pat's mother sold all of them one Sunday leading Elmer to say, "I thing we are on to something here".   Pat goes on to tell the story of how Penn Cycle developed and grew over the years.  He even tells Ben about his first bike which he still has (pictured above).

Other topics in the interview include: 
  • Gravel racing and gear
  • Fatbikes and fatbike technology improvements to come

To listen to or download the episode visit Mountain Bike Radio.

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