

The Filthy 50 Gravel Race Makes its Debut This October

The inaugural running of The Filthy 50 will take place on Sunday, October 13 starting and finishing in Stewartville, MN.  This completely free and unsupported race is one of the last Minnesota gravel grinders of the season.  Are you ready to take on 50 miles of some of the best gravel roads the Olmstead and Filmore county area of southeastern Minnesota has to offer, with some pretty spectacular scenery to boot?  Well then, get yourself signed up online before September 30th or the 250 rider cap is reached, which ever comes first.  Don't delay, according to race organizer Trenton Raygor "We haven't hit rider capacity yet, however, through the incredible support of our gravel grinding community, we hit triple digits after only having our website online for 24 hours!  We couldn't be more excited about that.  Sign up.  It will only take you about 30 seconds.  However, riding The Filthy 50 might take you a little bit longer than that…and you'll love every filthy minute of it."

Image Credit:  Trenton Raygor

The Details
  • Registration is online so no postcard entry is required.  Visit The Filthy 50 Registration page and fill out the waiver before the registration deadline or rider cap is reached.  Registration is free and first come first served.  
  • This race is completely unsupported, you are responsible for you.  Individuals must bring EVERYTHING that they need for the ride as absolutely NOTHING will be provided for them on race day.  There is no sag.  There are no service tents.
  • A GPX file will be made available for download to all riders on the roster.  Use this file with your Garmin GPS or smartphone cycling app for navigation along the race course. 
  • Elevation profiles of the race course will be provided in one form or another to those on this year's roster as well as to the general public through The Filthy 50 website.
  • The race begins and ends on the north end of Stewartville, MN.  The start will take place at 10:00 am and riders will have until 4:00 pm to officially finish.  
  • Days before the ride, those on the roster will be sent race day logistics as well as a printable set of cue sheets that they should print out and carry with them to direct them through The Filthy 50 course.

The Rules
  • You are 100% on your own.  There is no support for this ride.
  • Wear a helmet.
  • Do not litter.
  • Have fun.
  • Obey traffic laws.
  • If you must urinate, please do not do it in front of the locals or other competitors.
  • Ride safely and use good judgement.
  • This ride is unsupported.  Bring EVERYTHING with you that you will need.
  • You must REGISTER to ride.
  • You are responsible for you. 

"Why unsupported? Why so bare bones?  We have participated in many supported rides over the years.  Many of those rides were difficult prior to even getting onto our bikes.  In the end, we all just want to enjoy ourselves in our own way. Right?  We don't want to fill out a pile of paperwork.  That gets to be a little too much like a day at the office.  If you like the sound of this and want to be on the 2013 roster, visit and sign up to ride.  Riders who are looking to race a super fun gravel course are going to be pleased with the gravel, terrain, and potential top speeds.  Riders who are looking to crush a colorful fall gravel course are going to be super pleased as well.  Personally, we enjoy doing both." - The Filthy 50 Race organizer Trenton Raygor.

If you have never done a gravel grinder before or are looking add one more race this season, here is your chance.  To quote The Filthy 50 website, "Race it and set a record.  Ride it and take in the beauty.  Either way, get filthy."

I would encourage gravel enthusiasts and registered riders to follow @thefilthy50 on Twitter as the race organizer will be posting updates in the coming months.  For any and all questions regarding The Filthy 50, drop an email to

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