

New Twitter Account Gives Minneapolis/St. Paul Cyclists Platform for Sharing Road Condition Information

A new Twitter account was launched over the weekend that will retweet Twin Cities road and trail conditions as well as other bike related information from cyclists.  Follow @MSPBikes to stay informed and contribute information via Twitter in real time.

@MSPBikes will auto-retweet the original reply tweets sent to it when done properly that will go out to all of its followers.  This Twitter account will act a a common source of data for cyclists in Minneapolis and St. Paul and will be especially useful for commuters. 

For contributor's tweets to be auto-retweeted they must have the mention "@MSPBikes" at the start of the tweet.  For example:  "@MSPBikes icy spots on the Midtown Greenway between Humbolt & Lyndale."  Messages that do not start in this fashion will not be retweeted.

Let fellow cyclists in the Twin Cities know about this great new real time resource by tweeting about it, mentioning it on Facebook and by word of mouth so it can get up and running the way it was intended.

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