

Penn Cycle's Get Phat with Pat Fatbike Race to be Held at the Minnesota River Bottoms-Updated

Penn Cycle & Fitness will hold its yearly Get Phat with Pat Fatbike Race January 19th with a change of venue from last year.  Owner Pat Sorensen has worked with the City of Bloomington to get the race moved to the fatbike popular Minnesota River Bottoms for 2013.  The event will coincide with the Bloomington Winter Fete which runs from January 19 through the 27th.

The Details:
 The Get Phat with Pat race will be held at the Russell A Sorenson Landing at the end of Lyndale Ave. S. in Bloomington, MN under the 35W bridge.  Registration will start and 9 am the morning of the race and closes 30 minutes prior to race start. Registration will require a $10 entry fee.

There will be a recreational race that starts at 10 am and and a beginner race that will start at 10:15 am.  Both races will be one lap of approximately 8 miles.  The advanced race starts and 12 noon and will be two laps totaling approximately 16 miles.  The course is mostly singletrack and will start and finish under the 35W bridge.  Racers will travel west of  35W for 4 miles to a turnaround point near the old railroad swing bridge and follow a return section of trail back to the start.  The course will be a full loop with a section heading out and one heading back.

All styles of bikes are welcome to participate.  Course conditions and number of entries could determine whether there will be a separate, non-fat tire bike class race. 

Penn Cycle gift cards will be awarded for first, second and third place finishers.  Penn Cycle will be handing out many door prizes including a Grand Prize Drawing for a 9:Zero:7 frame set, so make sure you put this one on your list to attend.

Never been on a fatbike before?  See what all the hype is about.  There will be two medium and one small 9:Zero:7 fatbikes to try out for demo rides.

Last year's race at the Penn Cycle Eagan location had to be rescheduled due to lack of snow from our mild winter, but I don't see that as a problem this year.  With all of the snow we have had in the last few weeks, this winter is shaping up to be a good one for hitting the trails on a fatbike.  Check out some photos and video from last year's race below.

Get Phat with Pat '12
at Penn Cycle-Eagan


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