

18th Annual St. Paul Classic Bike Tour to Take Place Sunday, September 9th

Help benefit the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota and have fun while doing it by participating in the 18th Annual St. Paul Bike Classic.  This yearly ride has a choice of four routes ranging from 15 to 41 miles to attract cyclists of all skill levels.  The event features mostly traffic-free cycling complete with ride support, live music, food & beverage and great rest stops.

New this year is the addition of the Big River Loop.  This 13 mile loop will have you biking across the Wabasha Bridge, going through the Latino District Del Sol and along the Mississippi Levee Trail rounding back to rejoin the St. Paul Grand Round route for a 41 mile Big River/Grand Round Tour.

Online registration for the event is available.  Register by September 4th for $38, register on the day of the ride for $46, children 5-17 years of age pay only $12 anytime and kids under 5 are free.  Registration does not include a t-shirt, but one can be ordered on the online registration page.  Members of the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota do receive a discount when registering online.  See the online registration page for details.  The ride will take place rain or shine and helmets are required.

If you would like to volunteer for the event, there are still positions available that need filling.  Volunteers will receive a free t-shirt and an invitation to a post ride party at a later date at Summit Brewery complete with beverages and a picnic dinner.  For more information about volunteer positions, contact

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