

Cannon Valley Trail "Connect It Benefit Party" on Saturday, August 11

Show your support for connecting the Cannon Valley Trail to the Mill Towns State Trail by attending the the Cannon Valley Trail Connect It Benefit Party.  Join others from the Parks & Trails Council, the Cannon Valley Trail and the Mill Towns State Trail in support of a critical three mile section that would link the two trails.

There will be a social, $3 meat or veggie burgers, $2.50 old fashioned root beer floats and live music from Pennyroyal.  Erik the Bike Man will be on hand with gear tips and equipment demonstrations.  It all takes place on Saturday, August 11th from 11 am to 3 pm at the Welch Station on the Cannon Valley Trail.  A Wheel Pass is required to ride the trail and can be obtained at the Red Wing Trailhead, Cannon Falls Trailhead and the Welch Station.

Let's get it connected.

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