

Animation Released of Proposed Loop Trail for St. Croix River Crossing Project

Now that President Obama has signed the bridge legislation for a new St. Croix River crossing, the project can move forward for the replacement of the old Stillwater Lift Bridge.  MNDOT has plans for the old bridge that would benefit cyclists and pedestrians on both sides of the river.

The Stillwater Lift Bridge was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1989 and is protected.  It will be restored and become a signature part of  a 4.7 mile bike and pedestrian loop which includes the new St. Croix River Crossing.  This trail loop will provide great views of the river valley on both sides of the river as well as from both bridges.  The new St. Croix River Crossing bridge will contain viewing platforms 150 feet above the river that will provide panoramic views of the St. Croix River Valley.

The loop trail will be integrated on both sides of the river with other trail systems providing a unique connection to Minnesota and Wisconsin bike and pedestrian trails.

MNDOT is coordinating this project with WisDOT and they will split the states' share of the estimated $571 to $676 million cost for the entire project.

Construction is expected to take three years for the new St. Croix River Crossing bridge and will begin in 2014.

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